Portfolio Category: Character design

YesLand Sketchbook

YesLand Sketchbook is an auto edited sketchbook showcasing 120 characters from YesLand world. There are only 230 sketchbooks all around the world. Here I displayed some of it’s sketches.

La ciudadela restaurant

La Ciudadela restaurant trusted YesLand to provide these illustrations for their children’s menu.

El Jallo Hotel – Nubbo Agency

Nubbo Agency had YesLand do this character desing and illustrations for El Jallo hotel, as a mechandise cup. Here you can see some of the previous sketches and ideas and the final result with the cup mockup.

The original big seven – Help! agency

Help! Agency counted with us for the character design and illustrations for the burger restaurant «The original big seven». There was a female character that didn’t make it into the finals.

Kalise – Doctor job Agency

Doctor Job Agency counted with our services to design «Kalú», the character that now welcomes visitors Kalise company factories, through a video.